Pay a Living Wage

Income disparity in the U.S.A. is the largest it has been since the late 1920’s. Lower salaried workers face lack of jobs, part-time work and temporary jobs. While ours is one of the most successful economies in terms of individual wealth, too many children are hungry and homeless because their families cannot pay for food and rent.

This winter is severe and very cold causing higher costs for clothing, electricity, fuel and food, and interruptions in public transportation for people to get to work. But the Republicans want to end unemployment benefits school meal programs, and tear apart Medicaid. Our low-waged workers are always on the brink of starving or losing their homes.

When does the greed for profit cause a revolution? We are on the way to finding the answer to this question.

The Republicans want to minimize government intervention. It’s simple. The government will not need so many subsidy programs if companies pay a living wage.

Until then, we need federal programs to fund food stamps, school meals, subsidized rents or housing, the earned income tax credit, and Medicaid, and more. We need unemployment benefits. Contact your Congressman/woman and Senator now and ask them to maintain funding for food stamps!

Thank you.


Posted: March 6, 2015 in: Child Poverty

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