
Homeless Children in the U.S.A.?

Education – McKinney-Vento Act

This Act was reauthorized in January 2002 as Title X, Part C, of the No Child Left Behind Act, is the primary federal legislation regarding the education of children and youth in homeless situations. For more information see:

National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE homepage
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children

Some Housing and Support Services

Youth Harbors is privately funded and offers to pay rent and to house youth aged 18 — 21 in Malden, Everett, Roxbury, and Somerville, MA . Staff members work with students in local schools, and surf the net for families with rooms to rent so as to find housing for homeless students.

Youth Harbors Website |

Boston Globe Article from March 4th

Bridge Over Troubled Waters and Covenant House (New York) offer services and housing for teens, including pregnant teens.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Covenant House

The Haven Project — Building Bridges of hope and healing for ages 17 – 24 – support and referral service

Journeys of Hope Journeys of Hope offers a drop-in center 3 days weekly at the First Universalist Church in Salem, for youth aged 18 — 24.

Youth on Fire (Cambridge Cares) offers a drop-in center for homeless youngsters with AIDES and more aged 14-24.

In Massachusetts, there will soon be a report with a better description of this social problem.

Posted: March 14, 2013 in: Child Poverty

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