Action Alert: Join us to #SaveChildcare and Pass Dedicated COVID Relief


Pass COVID Relief for Childcare


Congress’s refusal to #SaveChildCare could cost mothers $64.5 billion in wages and economic activity, cost the federal government $12.2 billion in tax revenue, and set gender equity back a generation.



For months Americans have been calling on Congress to provide COVID relief funding to stabilize the child care sector. These calls have gone unanswered. This is simply unacceptable when millions are jobless, children are housing and food insecure, and child care providers are fighting to keep programs afloat.

Join us in calling on Congress to prioritize passing a COVID relief package that includes at least $50 Billion in dedicated funding for child care. Children, families, and educators cannot wait any longer.


Here’s How You Can Help #SaveChildcare


1. #SaveChildcare Toolkit

Click here to access the #SaveChildcare Toolkit which includes all messaging and background on the challenge at hand. The toolkit also includes Tweets, Shareable Graphics, Sample Communications and Social Media Tips to help spread the word.

2. Social Media

***On Wednesdays at 4:50 PM EST/1:50 PM PST, we’re asking all child care champions to tweet at the same time.***

You can use this tweet or create one of your own:

Congress must focus on COVID-19 relief that includes at least $50B to #SaveChildCare. If not, America risks losing 4.5M child care slots. The House included this funding in the updated HEROES Act. The Senate must do the same! @SpeakerPelosi @GOPLeader @senatemajldr @SenSchumer 

3. Call Congress

Call your Member of Congress at (202) 224-3121.

Hi, my name is [NAME], I’m a constituent of [REP/SENATOR] and I first want to thank you for your efforts to pass emergency child care measures. I’m calling to request that [REP/SENATOR] reach out to leadership and let them know that Congress must focus on a COVID relief package right now. Families need your support to help pull the country’s child care industry back from the brink of collapse.

4. Send An Email

Find your Senators’ information here and your Representatives’ information here.


I’m writing to ask that you reach out to leadership and let them know that Congress must focus on a COVID relief package right now. Families need your support to help pull the country’s child care industry back from the brink of collapse. 


Families rely on child care for safe and nurturing environments while parents work, go to school, or take care of other responsibilities.  We cannot lose our child care supply; children, families, communities, and businesses will suffer the consequences. 

Thank you for taking action!


Posted: November 17, 2020 in: Action Alerts, Childcare

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