Stop Child Hunger in USA


by Grace Pires, volunteer at Promise the Children & Girl’s Inc.

In America, many schools strive to make sure each of their students is able to have a proper meal for lunch. Through the support of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, schools can provide their students with nutritious lunches. Unfortunately, children eating school mealsnot all schools and politicians have been supporting the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. Republican Senator Todd Rokita is attempting to pass a bill, “Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016” (H.R. 5003), that will try to save money by decreasing the number of schools that serve free or reduced-fee meals. Fewer kids could receive free meals. The bill would also loosen the requirements for meals’ nutritional standards, making them more “appealing” to the students.

The appeal of the meal should not be a politician’s primary concern. A child who is uncertain where their next meal will come from won’t complain about being served carrots instead of potato chips. It is a politician’s duty to ensure that the American population doesn’t have to experience the anxiety and insecurity of hunger and other issues. Not to mention that there are a slew of problems in a child’s mental development that occur after being subjected to hunger and malnutrition.

Senator Rokita’s bill is unlikely to create any positive improvements. Decreasing the number of schools who receive support will deprive children of an affordable source of food. Even with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in place there girls eating schl. mealsare children who go hungry, imagine how many more there would be if the Act didn’t exist or had less impact. It’s important to advocate for children, they’re the future of the nation. If they are unable to get a good education due to hunger and poverty, then the country’s outlook is grim. And those who ignored the problem will be to blame. Child hunger is a serious issue.

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Posted: December 1, 2017 in: Action Alerts, Child Hunger

One Response to Stop Child Hunger in USA

  1. ptc15 says:

    Children whose parent(s) are paid minimum wage of $7.25 per hour or a little more face hunger. Here are some facts about the minimum wage: *The federal minimum wage was voted $7.25 in 2009. *This wage has never paid for the cost of living and is not linked to inflation *14 states have raised the minimum wage so as to better pay the higher costs of living. Even these increases do not cover the cost of food and rent.
    Working full time at jobs that pay the minimum wage, a single parent may earn $11,300 in a year. A mother and father could earn $22,600. But full time jobs for unskilled workers are rare. Most need 2 or 3 jobs to find 30 hours of weekly work. Free school meals and food stamps are essential for children whose parents earn less than 130% of the poverty line.


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