Prevent U.S. Children from Hunger

sidebar-larger-hungerSevere hunger in children can cause a  high death rate from infectious diseases.  Our food stamp program, started in the late 1960s ended malnutrition that had brought about infectious  diseases, and a high death rate.

Prevention is the answer to ending hunger in the United States. We know how to win War on Poverty but we are in danger of ignoring the evidence. We are not an impoverished country like Haiti, Yemen, or South Sudan. We have no ongoing war as there is in Syria or Afghanistan. We have resources to support our nation’s children.

The Golden Calf is especially valued by many of our countrymen and women rather than the safe and sound development of our children. More plainly, many place the highest value on money. You can’t buy stock, or invest in futures with children. They cost money,  except when they borrow money to attend private college. The Department of Agriculture points out that the cost of raising a child from birth to high school graduation is $245,000 per year. The Department of Agriculture provides a calculator to find the cost of raising one or more children in different parts of the U.S.A..

Supervision of children by reliable and knowledgable adults is a part of their      sidebar-larger-health1                    growth into healthy adults. Even plants require careful attention, water, and food from a skilled farmer. Some of us oppose birth control. We don’t realize that the path from infancy to graduation from high school can have many hurdles that require special and skilled attention at a cost. A child may suffer ill health, abuse, or neglect, and may require professional intervention or counseling to overcome the resulting trauma. Some children are born with disabilities or learning differences that require special tutoring. This costs money over and above the calculation by the Department of Agriculture.

A nutritious diet is necessary for all children. The salaries for unskilled workers in this country are lower than the cost of living. Minimum wage doesn’t pay for food, housing and childcare, even when two parents or caretakers are working, and often there is only one parent or caretaker.

Raise your voice for children. Sign this petition to maintain funding for SNAP. Invite your family, friends and members of your congregation to join you.

Sign up on our Promise the Children web site for emails regarding our nation’s children and their healthy growth and development.

Thank you for any small or large attention that you give our nation’s children.

Becky Richardson, President, Promise the Children

Posted: May 10, 2015 in: Child Hunger

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